Access Ministry
Support for your Child with Special Needs
If your child may benefit from Access ministry in any way, please let us know below. The form gives you an opportunity to share what is helpful and unhelpful for your child, as well as anything else our team should be aware of.
Volunteer Roles for Adults with Special Needs
We believe that God has called each of us to serve, including people with disabilities. We are all co-heirs and co-laborers in the Kingdom of God. If you or someone you know wants to serve in any capacity at Arbor Road Church, please reach out to Olivia Doyle to get more information on where you can be plugged in.
Serve with Access Ministry
We have opportunities to serve in Access ministry, specifically within kids ministry. We will provide you with the necessary training.
what is access ministry?
Access ministry exists to know God and make Him known by giving greater access to every family and individual within the disability community.
What we value
We desire to bridge the gap that keeps people with disabilities and their families from fully participating in church. It is our goal to support, love, and break down barriers that could keep anyone from gathering, serving, and growing at Arbor Road Church.
What to expect
Access ministry is integrated into our Youth ministries in order to provide support to those who may need extra assistance navigating Sunday mornings. Our volunteers continue to be trained in assisting kids and students with a range of ability levels and behaviors and are excited to collaborate in what is most helpful for your child. Access Ministry aims to build bridges between peers, foster friendships, and ensure each child thrives, learns, and grows here at Arbor Road.
Interested in serving in our Access Ministry?
Do you have a desire to support families with special needs? You may find that serving in Access Ministry is a great fit for you! We want to get to know you! If you have any questions about serving in Access Ministry, please contact us using the links above!