Rony Sanchez

Rony Sanchez

Pastor of Spanish Ministries

Rony Sanchez has served as the Pastor of Spanish Ministry at ARC since August 2014 (9 years). His passions include teaching, counseling (couples, youth, adults, etc.), community outreach, and sharing the word of God to all people. He also loves going out to share the word with non-believers so that they may come to the feet of Christ. He attended the Instituto Bíblico Bautista and earned a degree in Pastoral Theology.

Aside from his role at Arbor, he has been working in the boiler industry for 18 years, he currently works as a Boiler Maker Mechanic/Welder.

He has been married to his wife Karina since 2003, and they have three children (Melany, Rony and Isabella). In his spare time, he loves going out to new dinner places, playing all types of sports such as soccer, basketball, volleyball etc., and he also enjoys watching sports games on TV and in person.