communities for adults

Our communities for adults exist to do three things: Promote fellowship, care for one another, and grow in knowledge of the Lord.

Join us during the week!

Take a look below to find ways to connect throughout the week. Check the Small Groups, Women, or and Men's Ministry pages to view special events and other ways to connect!


9:30am Service

Based around lecture style teaching, fellowship, hymns, and prayer.
Meets in A101

Based around video teaching series, fellowship, prayer and food.
Meets in A210

One Another
A small group study though the Bible.
Meets in A211

11am Service

Based around fellowship, table discussions, prayer and food.
Meets in A210

A small group study though the Bible.
Meets in A211

Tuesdays + Wednesdays

Women's Bible Study

Weekly Bible Study on Tuesday Mornings from 9-10:30 in room A111 and Wednesday Nights. 6:30-8pm in the Worship Center.
Click here to learn more about the current study.

Grief Share

A 13-week grief-recovery support group for those who have lost a loved one. Please contact Eric Reynolds for more information 562.754.3588
Wednesdays from 6:30-8pm in A125
Click here to learn more about Grief Share

Financial Peace University

This class is about refocusing our intentionality on how to manage the money God has entrusted to us.
Let’s stop caring about what ordinary people are doing and strive to become extra-ordinary. We hope to create a community of people who care for their families, their community and their church.
How much more could we do and give if we no longer had any payments?
Spouses are highly encouraged to attend together.
Wednesdays from 6:30-8pm in A111

Marriage Unlimited

Monthly summer potlucks and an 8-week marriage book + video studies during the year.
Click here to see what’s coming up


Thursday Morning Mom's Group

Need a safe place to talk, laugh, and unwind? Grab a cup of coffee and connect with other moms to be encouraged, supported, and loved. This is a great time to grow in your walk with Jesus as a mom and as a woman of God.
Thursdays 9-11am | A111
**This group does not meet during the summer months.**
Contact Roxanne Boynton to get connected:


Man Up

Every first Saturday morning of the month men gather to study the Bible and explore what it means to be a man of God. 9-10:30am in room A-110.

Praying Moms and Grandmothers

Join in prayer with other moms and grandmothers on Saturday mornings from 8-9:30 beginning September 9 in room A125. This is an open group for women seeking the heart of the Father as they intercede on behalf of their children. God’s Word will guide us through a rhythm of praise, confession, thanksgiving, and intercession.
For more information email Amy at

Looking for a place to serve at Arbor Road Church?

Do you have gifts in childcare, media, hospitality, or discipleship? You may find that serving with Adult ministries is a great fit for you!